Ceramic Artists’ Gallery

Our talented artists range from sculptural artists to functional potters.

Contact specific potters directly to ask about studio sales and/or request to commission a piece.

Sylvia Arakas
Ellen Best
Minu Chaudhuri
Maggie Chow
Michael Cole
Claire Cronin
Orit Daly
Kate Doebler
Robin Esser
Catherine Farrell
Carol Fessler
Stephanie Friedman
Susan Gans
Harris Ginsberg

Keith Gordon
Christy Goyer
Annette Hastings
Barbara Hopkins
Catherine Horan
Emily Horton
Lynn Isaacson
Chris Isles
Melanie Kahn
James Kehler
Jennifer Kemper
Robin Kline
Ellen Lasser
Anna-Kari Lejon

Stefani Lowry
Karen McKee
Edward Myder
Claudia Palermo
Una O'Malley Petrino
Kate Poland
Michael Porfido
Renie Raiti
Donna Reed
S. Ilsa Rettek
David Rosen
Carrie Rosenfield
Gita Sachidanand
Ellen Z. Salov